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  • Blackglama ®

  • Dyed Mink

  • White Shades

Our Styles

Top Quality Skins
Top Quality Skins
Fine Production
Fine Production
Excellent Products
Excellent Products

Vassou & Papadamou Furs use special selected Blackglama skins, signed with our own handmade trademark which is impossible to duplicate. With this technique we ensure the originality of our products. World renowned for their unbridled luxury and elegance, Blackglama® products are created from the finest materials.
Each Blackglama skin is hand selected, with less than 2% of the world’s Black mink population being deemed worthy of the exclusive Blackglama name. Handcrafted from the highest quality mink in the world, Blackglama products are internationally regarded for their exquisite attention to detail. Each Blackglama product is individually labeled to ensure authenticity and can be found throughout the world at selected high-end retail locations. Blackglama® products combine superb quality with an unquestionable sense of style and sophistication. These attributes distinguish Blackglama from its counterparts, calling to the trend-setting, style-savvy fashion connoisseurs that demand the Blackglama name.
(source: blackglama.com). Blackglama® is a registered trademark that belongs to their respective owner.
All our skins are properly verified by all necessary documents from our own company.


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